Products tagged with 'nopcommerce'

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Ngan Luong plugin

From $0.00

Product Reviews plugin

Product reviews and ratings. Product reviews is one of the best forms of the marketing. Asking for feedback on products gives customers a voice, at the same time lettings potential customers know what other people think about your products. nopCommerce also supports the review helpfulness feature (“Was this review helpful to you?”) 

From $0.00

Sitemap Xml plugin

Sitemap. There are two popular versions of sitemaps, and nopCommerce supports both of them. An XML sitemap is a structured format of a site that a visitor doesn't need to see. The sitemap gives information about the pages on a site to search engines: their relative importance to each other, and how often they are updated. HTML sitemaps are designed for users, to help them find content on a page. They don't need to include each subpage. HTML sitemaps help both visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site.

From $0.00
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